Job or career change?

Do you think you may be in the wrong job or career? I have been there before! It can be a very difficult situation and tricky to know when it’s time to leave versus when you should power through things.

It will take a lot of inner reflection to understand what about your situation is making you unhappy or stressed. Once you understand the root cause of those feelings, will a job change fix things?

If you like change or want to keep growing, are there additional things you can do to achieve this need without changing jobs? A conference, a course, or a training are good things to look into.

If you are unfulfilled in your current role, what additional things can you do to add fulfillment?

And with all things: consider the timing element. Can you sprint through the dislikes knowing things will change? Or, is this an issue you think is everlasting? Those questions help in making your decision!

Here are things to really consider when you think you may want a job or career change:

  • You are really unhappy or stressed. Understand what about your job is causing this unhappiness and stress (boss? coworkers? the hours? field of work?). Get clear on the root cause of your unhappiness and stress: if it is job-related, you should consider looking for something else. Also, understand if this is a phase or a conclusion. Will things improve in the next 90-120 days? If so, ride it out. If it's longer-term and you see no end in sight, life is too short to be miserable in a job.

  • You want a change and to grow more. I personally love change but don't change only for the sake of change. Understand what type of change you want and where you want to personally grow. Can this growth and change come from something outside of work like taking a new class or going to a conference? If the current role you are in doesn't set up for longer-term success or help you reach your career goals, definitely think of a change.

  • You are unfulfilled. Being unfulfilled can lead to mediocre work and a lack of engagement. Are you feeling stagnant or easily bored with your current responsibilities? See if there is something else you can do in your current role to get more. Maybe you can work on an extra initiative in a different function? If your desire for something more cannot be fulfilled in your current job, perhaps it's time to think of a next role.

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Negative coworkers.