
A goal without a plan is just a wish
— Antoine De Saint-Exupery

Having a goal is important to getting a desired outcome. Setting goals and having good goal hygiene are critical to accomplishing what you want in life: personal or professional. Make sure you have the right plan in place to achieve your goals.

Let’s start with an example of a goal: “I want to get to know more people”. We need to break that down into a SMART goal: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timebound.

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After writing a good goal in a SMART way, goal hygiene is important. Here’s what I mean by goal hygiene:

Write your goals down where accessible

Visibility helps with motivation and focus.

Revisit your goals weekly or monthly (more than quarterly)

Giving 52 or 12 opportunities to ensure you are on track is much better than 4.

Pivot if the "how" isn't working

If any part of how you are working to achieve your goal isn't working, re-evaluate and pivot as needed. Just don't give up!

Now you are ready to create and maintain your goals in order to achieve what you want!


Finding friends at work.


Job or career change?