Finding friends at work.

Finding friends can be hard, especially at work! Here is what I suggest on how to find friends in the workplace:

  1. Find something in common

  2. Make time for the connection

  3. Be patient: it will take time

Let’s explore each of those topics in more detail!

  1. Find something in common: having a similar hobby or similar likes (or dislikes) is essential for creating a good friendship foundation. To do this, you have to put yourself out there and make sure you are talking about things you like. See what resonates with others and make notes to follow up with those that have something in common with you.

  2. Make time for the connection: like any relationship, it's important to nurture it with time. After you have found those with something in common, ask that person for help on a task you know they are good at or ask them to a mentoring session so that you can get to know them better.

  3. Be patient: it will take time. Keep consistently reaching out to your potential new friend. Send them articles that you think may interest them based on your common hobbies or likes, and randomly ping them from time to time to check-in. Don't be annoying, but don't ghost them either.

And, you always have me as an immediate and virtual best friend at work!

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Conference call small talk.

