Negative coworkers.

We have all had them before: everything is usually wrong, glass half empty and miserable as ways to describe their outlook and demeanor. It can be hard to not have it rub off onto you. Here's what I recommend for dealing with a negative coworker.

  1. Use humor

  2. Move on

  3. Don’t let it impact you

Let’s dive into each one in more detail!

Humor. When something comes up from your coworker that is negative, laugh and act as if it were a sarcastic comment.

Move on. Don't dwell on the negativity. When a negative comment comes up, don't let your coworker continue complaining. Listen for a few seconds and then suggest, "Let's move on to XYZ".

Don't let it impact you. Negativity is a toxic trait; realize that the negativity isn't a reflection of you, nor should you let it project onto you. Shake it off.

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