Traits of my favorite managers.

I've had some amazing managers. Really amazing.


Here are the 5 traits that they possessed:

  1. Caring: A boss who cares about you and your ultimate success is like the ticket to play for good bosses.

  2. Selfless: Those that spend time coaching, answering questions and are selfless with their time are the best.

  3. Encouraging: Having a boss that encourages you to do things that you feel you may not be ready to do or things outside of your comfort zone really help you to grow.

  4. Gave Autonomy: Getting to do things on my own, while knowing I was supported, was beneficial to me becoming a leader.

  5. Honest with Feedback: A boss that can be direct and honest with areas of needed improvement or things I could do better is helpful.

leader traits.png

Influencing without authority


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