Should I get an MBA?

Should I get an MBA?


I get asked this question quite a bit.


And the answer: it depends. It depends on your career and personal goals.


Getting my MBA was an amazing experience. I met some great lifelong friends and learned a lot that was different than but complimented my engineering undergrad.


Here are 3 personal reflections on getting my MBA:

  • I wasn't getting it for a promotion or more money, I genuinely wanted to advance my skills in business.

  • I worked for 7 years post-undergrad before getting my MBA. I thought this was a good amount of time to have seen enough in business to understand more and grasp the MBA concepts well.

  • There is never a great time. I had 2 children during my MBA - while working full time and getting promoted. You can do more than you think. I had a great support system which made it doable.


Do you have your MBA? Or are you thinking about getting it? Let me know in the comments!

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