Personal Branding. Part 4.

Time for the final final! Part 4.


You now know your desired personal brand, how do you make it happen?


  1. When you think about taking actions that are aligned to your desired personal brand, it has to be done authentically. Don't become someone who isn't authentically you - it will be exhausting and it won't last long. Example: if you are an introvert, it's probably not wise to all of a sudden think you want to be the most outgoing person. It will be too much to flex in that way, and it could show up as inauthentic. Stay true to you, but think of ways to enhance what you are today versus change completely.

  2. Be consistent. This is something that will take months or years to do, and it will take a while for others to change their impressions. Don't get discouraged. Show up how you want to be perceived consistently and things will work over time.

  3. Audit yourself. Just like we learned in part 2 of Personal Brand, review how you are showing up and being perceived. If it's not what you want, make tweaks (if it's been long enough to make a difference).

  4. Tell a trusted colleague or friend that you are trying to make a change. Get their input on how you are doing. They can keep you honest on things you may have blinders for. It's also an accountability - if you tell them what you are doing, there's more of a chance you will do it. Their feedback along the way can help you know if your actions are working.


This isn't rocket science. However, it's harder than reading these bullets and shaking your head in agreement. This takes effort to get your Personal Brand where you want it to be. But you have the step by step guide, it's go time.



Personal Branding. Part 3.