Going into the office.

It's happening. Much of the world has, or will, be going back into the physical office soon. But, if you have the choice, should you go back?!


The luxury of working from home is real: sweatpants, no smell vision = no shower, no makeup - just some light blocking eye glasses to hide imperfections, and laundry and dog walks between meetings. SWEET!


However, going into the office has perks. Here's why I think we should all consider going back in some capacity if given the choice:


  1. Visibility. Those who have followed me for a bit know that I preach about the need, especially for women at work, to get needed visibility to get recognized and promoted. The visibility I speak of is visibility of work product, but there is (unfortunely) some visibility that comes from simply being seen. And this happens in the office. Like it or not, it's easier for people to think about you and your work when they have a physical reminder - like bumping into you in the hallway and having a quick catch up.

  2. Relationships thrive with contact. And relationships are extremely valuable at work. How many times have you heard: it's not what you know, it's who you know. There is truth to that at work. Sometimes it happens in a toxic way, but often it's genuine relationship building that enables people to get to know more about you and your work. Relationships get to the next level when you see people and are with them. For relationships, there is no replacement to being in person.

  3. The good news, I don't think everyone needs to be in the office 5 days a week! I am NOT a butt in seat fan - when it becomes a check the box activity. I heard a podcast suggest that going into the office is what the previous offsite meeting was: intentional time spent together on important topics or for big meetings and things easier done in person. I like this mentality.


Did I just deliver an unpopular opinion? You tell me!


Managing up.


Motivate Your Team.